Moving up in the world.

Going into college I knew two things: I was insanely excited and insanely scared.

That was two years ago.

My freshmen Fall semester I joined the Pride of the Sunshine Fighting Gator Marching Band. It was a mouthful and a wonderful experience I’ll never forget. However, going into spring semester, I had no money and my parents cut me off. That’s when I decided I needed to get a job. And the place that hired me was Subway.

I’ll probably go into detail later on how Subway was an interesting experience to say the least but the point of this post is to explain how if you keep looking for opportunity it will find you. 

After a year of working at Subway I just couldn’t do it anymore. Late nights, early classes, smelling like banana peppers (which by the way to this day I cannot eat). It was too much. so I started looking for a new job, hopefully one in my field. Which I applied to be a Graphic Artist for the student union. It was the first time I’ve had to put together a portfolio and I waited a long time to get that call back, only to be further prolonged. Finally, I get an email telling me I didn’t get the job but asking me if my name could be passed on. Later that week I received an email for an interview with the advisor for the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment and got a job there as a graphic artist. Now I’ve made a lot of progress in my own work and learned more than I would ever imagine.

My advice?

1. Don’t think you’re stuck in a quicksand pit forever. There’s always opportunities waiting to be grasped at. Be the first one who finds it.

2. Don’t doubt your own abilities. You may think that just because you’re a student and only have fast food work experience there’s nothing available  But you have to be confident and strong.

3. Never stop searching. There’s always new opportunities. Even if you like where you are why not challenge yourself?